Sunday, May 24, 2020

Technology, Education, And But The Cost Of Goods - 858 Words

While others may still be thinking about the past and what it was like, it is important to think about the times now and even the future. Today, there seems to be more of a problem with technology, education, and even the cost of goods. Generation Me is an in depth research of how the younger American’s born in the 1970’s, 1980’s, and 1990’s were more confident, assertive, entitled, and more miserable than ever before. This book may be targeted to only a small group of people, but even today, the young teens and adults have many problems that make it hard to be satisfied with goals that may be accomplished or anything to be happy about. Jean M. Twenge, psychologist and social commentator, conducted a study with over 1.3 million people reaching over six decades. Within the research, she explains how different the times really are and the changes that affect the way we feel today. Twenge proves the ethos problems within her research. Movies are a big part of the attitude of the young American’s today because it changes the level of values and thoughts. It results in no social rules and learning to be independent. There are many shows and movies where the attitudes of the actors are poor and it will encourage viewers to change the way they act because it will make them seem like a better person. This leads to a change in manners and politeness of the people. Today, the mindset seems to be â€Å"not caring what others think.† I agree and think that people should not care whatShow MoreRelatedHigh Cost Of Higher Education1195 Words   |  5 Pagescollege due to the constantly rising cost of higher education. Research shows that both the two-year and four-year education system in the U.S. has experienced a significant increase in college tuition over the last three decades. 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